Budget your projects in seconds

Upload your projects and offers. Receive a price and time estimate to complete them in seconds. Personalize it with past projects and personal metrics.

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Registration Process

How to become a freelancer in Spain

Learn how to become self-employed in Spain, including costs and requirements.

Tax Settlement

Self-Employed Tax Settlement

Self-settlement tool. Select a file or add the necessary information.

Freelancer Hall of Fame

Every Week a freelancer will be selected be one of them!

Freelancer Icon
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Freelancer 2


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Freelancer 3


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Freelancer 4


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Freelancer 5


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Freelancer 6


Use our tool in your own website

Through an in-web form. Enable your clients to upload their projects and receive a price and time estimate.

Share your progress with clients

Place a check next to each completed milestone. Keep your clients posted with a single click.

Our Idea Illustration


The tool analyzes past projects (rates, time spent, and profitability data).

Automatically budgets future projects.


Organizes initial received projects and suggests the most profitable or viable one.


Allows visualizing profitability to compare the last five received projects and understand the financial impact of each before deciding.

About the Tool

Learn more about how our AI-based tool helps you create accurate and profitable project budgets in seconds.

Placeholder for the tool illustration

AI-based tool that creates accurate and profitable budgets for new projects based on past project data and market statistics. Integrates as an extension in platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, and more.

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